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  • People who frequently use creative outlets such as writing, painting, and drawing have less chance of developing memory loss illnesses as they age. Painting also allows individuals a chance to express their feelings and emotions without words.
  • When people create something beautiful through painting, they stimulate the creative mind while also relieving mental strain. Releasing anxiety in the form of painting helps a person unwind and let go of all the pressures that plague the mind. It’s no surprise that low-stress levels lead to a happier, healthier lifestyle and helps improve overall mental health.
  • Focusing on painting allows a person’s mind to relax and let go of all the problems and demands that may have led to stress.
  • A lot of people think that painting only improves creative skills, but many would be surprised to know that it promotes critical thinking, too. An artist must think conceptually to bring multiple solutions to life while painting. What the artist imagines when beginning a painting often changes drastically during the painting process, due to color limitations or unexpected outcomes that occur during artistic implementation. The artistic vision evolves during the painting process, building important problem-solving skills. 

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Focusing on painting allows a person’s mind to relax and let go of all the problems and demands that may have led to stress.


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